The Balkan Wars: Ottoman Perspectives, eds. Ercan Karakoç, Ali Serdar Mete (Peter Lang, 2024)

“The Balkan Wars: Ottoman Perspectives” is another volume in the series South-East European History, edited by Mihai Dragnea and published by Peter Lang on behalf of the Balkan History Association (BHA). The volume was edited by two BHA members, Ercan Read More

International conference: “Greek-Romanian relations (1821-1989)”, Thessaloniki, 22-24 November 2023

On 22-24 November, the Department of Balkan Slavic and Oriental Studies (University of Macedonia), the Faculty of History and Geography (Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava), and the Balkan History Association (BHA) organized in Thessaloniki, Greece an international conference about “Greek-Romanian relations from the Read More

International conference: “Greek-Romanian relations from the decline of the Ottoman Empire to the end of the Cold War era (1821-1989)”, Thessaloniki, 22-24 November 2023 (CfP)

CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference “Greek-Romanian relations from the decline of the Ottoman Empireto the end of the Cold War era (1821-1989)” Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-24 November 2023 The Department of Balkan Slavic and Oriental Studies (University of Macedonia), the Faculty Read More

Call for Papers: Turkish-Serbian Relations, from the Ottoman Empire until 1939

Turkish-Serbian relations began at the end of the 13th century, when troops consisting of the Serbs joined the Byzantine troops in their conflict with the Turks. After the crossing of Ottoman  troops into the land of Rumelia, Ottoman-Serbian relations became Read More

Call for Papers: Three Centuries of Russian Influence in the Balkans

After the publication by Peter Lang of the first volume of the South-East European History Series, Old and New Insights on the History of Intelligence and Diplomacy in the Balkans, which explores intelligence and diplomatic activities in the Balkan region, Read More

Call for Papers: Political demography: Population change in the Balkans following the 1878 Treaty of Berlin

The Treaty of Berlin (1878) reshaped the political landscape of the Balkans. The defeated Ottoman Empire had to recognize the independence of its once tributary provinces of Serbia, Montenegro and unified Romania, with new borders drawn mainly in favor of Read More

Call for Papers: From the Dnipro to the Danube: War, Diplomacy, and Political, Cultural and Social Relations between the Romanian Principalities and the Ukrainian Lands in the Early Modern Era

English, Romanian, Ukrainian and Polish version. The Balkan History Association is preparing a volume on relations between the Romanian principalities (Moldavia, Wallachia, Transylvania) and the Ukrainian lands in the early modern era. During this period political transformations and complex processes Read More

Call for Papers: Contested Histories: The Albanians in the Balkans

The Albanians – Christians and Muslims alike – in the Balkans, are a people of great interest, not just within the context of the Ottoman period, but also during the following one, when Southeastern Europe began to break up into Read More

CfP: Ottoman architecture in the Balkans. Рublic buildings in a regional context

The Ottoman rule of the Balkans continued in varying forms for about six hundred years. Many public buildings and structures were created and/or adapted in the period. Logically, the edifices presented the characteristics of the stages of Ottoman architectural development. Read More

CfP: Visions of Constantinople: The City and its Peoples

Constantinople, modern Istanbul stands at the conjunction of Europe and Asia. Founded on the site of Byzantium by Constantine in 330 CE its significance religiously, politically, and culturally in the succeeding centuries from its foundation cannot be over-emphasised. But what Read More