While Turkish-Romanian formal diplomatic relations were established at the end of the 19th century, the founding of the modern Turkish nation represented a new and insufficiently studied chapter in the Black Sea region’s diplomatic and socio-cultural history. Hostility during the First World War was followed by Romania’s support of Turkey at the Lausanne Conference and the revival of cooperation – both countries aiming to maintain the status quo in the region. 2023 marks not only the centenary of the Turkish Republic, but also one hundred years of political, economic and cultural relations between the two modern nation-states in South-Eastern Europe, reinforced by the existence of a historical Turkish–Tatar Muslim minority in Romania, common geography, migration flows, participation in international organizations and globalization trends.

The Balkan History Association invites historians, political scientists, and other interested researchers to explore the past and potential future dynamics of Turkish-Romanian bilateral relations. We welcome papers related but not limited to the following topics: the Lausanne Conference and its aftermath; Romania, Turkey and the Balkan Pact; disputed legal issues; post-Cold War developments; economic ties; historical minorities; migration; cultural and religious diplomacy; regional and EU integration; common security and stability initiatives and the Black Sea Synergy projects.

Submission procedure

The volume will be published by Peter Lang (in the series “South-East European History”). Original manuscripts should be prepared following the editorial guide of Peter Lang available on its website, especially “Style Guidelines – British English” and “Submission Guidelines“. Manuscripts must not have been published, submitted for publication or available on the internet elsewhere. Interdisciplinary work is particularly welcome. Please submit your proposal, including the title of your manuscript, an abstract (up to 300 words), and an author’s biography (up to 100 words) to all editors. The abstract should include the research question and purpose, the approach and main ideas, and results. No figures, tables, footnotes, or endnotes should be included in the abstract. Articles should not exceed 8,000 words in length including footnotes and references (reference list or bibliography). The volume may contain up to 20 black-and-white images.


February 15, 2023: Submission of proposals to editors

February 22, 2023: Notification of accepted proposals

June 15, 2023: Receipt of final papers for peer review

July 15, 2023: Revised chapters re-submitted to editors


Iulia-Alexandra Oprea (GE Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș), opreaiuliaalexandra@gmail.com

Nagy Pienaru (Nicolae Iorga Institute of History, Bucharest), np.revistaistorica@gmail.com

Abidin Temizer (Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University), abitem@gmail.com

Samuel Foster (University of East Anglia), Samuel.Foster@uea.ac.uk

Nikolaos Christofis (Centre for Turkish Studies, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China), n.christofis@snnu.edu.cn

Please circulate this call for papers among your colleagues and other potentially interested scholars.

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