Hiperboreea (ISSN 2688-8211; E-ISSN 2284-5666) is the official journal of the Balkan History Association. The journal focuses on the study of Southeastern Europe, broadly defined as the states situated in the Balkan region. Without limiting its scope a specific historical period or approach, the journal covers a wide range of topics, such as Cultural History, Political History, Military History, Social History, Economic History and Archaeology, and encourages work on any historical period and interdisciplinary background. From 2020, Hiperboreea is published by the Penn State University Press, and all electronic issues are available on JSTOR.
In his book entitled Mapping Ptolemaic Dacia, published by Trivent, Şerban George Paul Drugaş conceived a general formula for mapping Dacia based on the information found in the two oldest sources he used. Furthermore, he determined local patterns with the help of the other sources – therefore, defining locations resulted in a better determination of the surrounding relative positions. This information, as well as the correlation of the Ptolemaic locations with archaeological findings, provides an increased recognition of Ptolemaic Dacia, while also contributing to exposing the Ptolemaic universal map.
Manuscrisele slavone de la Biblioteca Filialei Cluj-Napoca a Academiei Române: Studiu monografic şi antologie de texte de Anca Libidov, publicată în 2020 de editura Etnologică, se doreşte a fi o lucrare interdisciplinară, care abordează manuscrisele slavone din fondul Bibliotecii Academiei Române din Cluj-Napoca punctând mai multe segmente de observare, depăşind modul simplist de abordare al studiilor anterioare întreprinse de alţi cercetători. Fondul slavon, din cadrul Bibliotecii sus menționate, cuprinde un număr de 37 de manuscrise, în majoritate cărţi religioase, canonice şi liturgice, aparţinând unei epoci în care slavona era prezentă atât în cancelariile domneşti, cât şi în bisericile şi mănăstirile româneşti.